Saturday, December 3, 2016

Tame Impala - Music To Walk Home By

Tame Impala - Lonerism (

Kevin Parker's brainchild brings you today's first pill of the day. The title suits it completely, as it is a fairly upbeat song, which is great for walking, but at the same time it has a certain relaxed vibe to it that lets you know you shouldn't be in a hurry. 

As soon as it starts with its trippy intro with loads of synths and effects, featured in many of Tame Impala's songs, you know you're in for a treat; as soon as you recover, the song then launches into a fab-four kind of vocal melody. This is definitely a highlight in almost all of Parker's songs. They're catchy, easy to sing along to and they usually have this somehow relatable lyrics about infatuation and uneasiness caused by a lover or a crush. 

The rhythm section is superb, these are elements that are always impeccably executed by Parker. In my opinion, he's a pretty underrated bass player: most of his bass lines are memorable, way more than his guitar riffs, and that's what you end up humming to, ain't that great? Same for his kinda 60s-ish, wild approach to drumming, it adds a certain intensity that some modern psychedelic bands lack. 

That's enough descrption for it, experience it yourself right here, right now in the embedded track below. Can you hear already the fun you should be having?

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