Saturday, December 3, 2016

The Reverberations - Outtasite: Hop in for the trip (back in time) of your lives!

A great album cover to boot. This is how you do things. 

The Reverberations play a style of music that some might call "retro" or "revival", but to quote Mr Nicke Andersson of The Hellacopters and Imperial State Electric fame, "I just call it timeless". That's the reason for the title of today's second pill, some people might think this is a trip back to simpler times, but I know with all my heart, because I've seen it and I've experienced it: this music has never been gone. 

The thing with this timeless style is that it is as good as the songs are catchy. If you're spitting out unmemorable tunes with a lousy vocal melody and no feel-good rock and roll attitude, then you can record as analogically possible and still not retain what makes this music so fresh and cool no matter how many times it's been done over. That of course, is not the case with this song. Clocking at a little over two and a half minutes, you could have the attention span of a mosquito and still be left with the savory lyrics in your tongue. That's what you must do right to continue to play in this style. The riff feels like home, the reverb drenched production is like a warm blanket on a cold winter night and last but not least, it reeks attitude. 

So what are you waiting for? Get down or get out. Go ahead and play the track in the embedded track below. Also, don't forget to leave a comment!

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